About Us
Founded in 2011

Education Program

Water Sanitation & Hygiene

Food Security and Livelihoods

Community Mobilization for Social Change

Advocacy for Community Programmes

Advocacy, Communication, & Social Mobilization
Fayadhowr Orientation Organization (FOO) is a Non-Governmental Organization founded in 2011 with the mandate to contribute to the mitigation of poverty, health, gender, and environment – related problems by strengthening community knowledge, capacity, access and the utilization of available resources.
We focus on providing communities with knowledge, skills, and resources to enable them to develop and to improve their standard of living, have better health, enhanced social status, and a cleaner environment through community-owned, sustainable programmes.
Our Vision: Communities that are empowered, healthy and self-sufficient.
Our Mission: To enable communities to participate in and take responsibility for their health, well-being, and development.
Our Core Values

Change comes when people work towards a common vision.

All that we do must have a positive impact.

Everyone in society has an equal-right to be listened to and participate in decisions that affect their lives.
Our Work
We serve the most vulnerable in society through purposeful advocacy and community outreach.
Our methodology is informed by our conviction that every person has intrinsic value and that it is our responsibility to advocate for the poor and marginalized.